The forms of hospitality

Léa Drouet (director) and Léopold Lambert (architect and theoretician of architecture notably in the journal The Funambulist, of which he is editor-in-chief) will propose an open conversation around this question: Under what conditions a form can be hospitable? It is from their respective practices that they will question the so-called participative forms by looking at themselves inviting an audience to participate in this conversation and to wonder about the situation with them. Aware that the spatial devices that surround them are almost always attached to the control of bodies in space, they will propose to think together the spatial conditions of hospitality. They will examine hospital atmospheres in an environment where visible and invisible walls that constitute a building and / or an event can be perceived as constraining or violent when applied to segregate bodies and speech. The hospitality thought through theater and architecture would consist in thinking these disciplines against their own logic; that is, against the way they are built around power relationships. Léa Drouet and Léopold Lambert will propose to turn around this paradox together.