practical info

Where does 3days4ideas take place during the day ? (online registration)

La Bellone


How to get there ?

The evenings of 3days4ideas with our neighbours (online registration)

Day 1 - Thursday, September 6th, from 8 pm to 10 pm

Le Space

How to get there ?

Day 2 - Friday, September 7th, from 8 pm to 10 pm

Le Lac

How to get there ?

Day 3 - Saturday, September 8th, from 8 pm to 10 pm

Globe Aroma

How to get there ?

from 10.30 pm to 01.00


Bar and catering

Les Gastrosophes concoct lunches during the three days. The lunches will take place at Beursschouwburg. For the dinners, we will be hosted by Le Space, Le Lac and Globe Aroma.

Our bookseller neighbour, partner of 3days4ideas


How to get there ?